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A Place For People Who Have Given Up On Church,
But Not On God

Sunday @ 9:00 AM

New to Hidden Valley? This is a great place to start. Let’s plan a visit.


Never Miss a Message

Unable to attend on Sunday?
Catch up here!

 Online Giving Available

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Children’s ministry ages birth - grade 5

We help kids connect to a God who loves them and provide age appropriate activities that bring the Bible to life in relevant ways. Children’s Ministry is a safe and secure environment. All volunteers and leaders are carefully screened, and a strict security process for all kids provides parents with the assurance that their child is being well-cared for while they enjoy the services.

Collision - Middle and High School Ministry

Everyone is welcome! Whether you've been to church all of your life or have never stepped inside one before, this program is for you! Come and find out what it means to be loved by God; accepted for who you are; and encouraged to find out who you can become! Collision meets every Wednesday night during the school year at Hidden Valley Community Church. The doors open at 6:00 and the event runs from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

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Hidden Valley Community Church
is a host for Ruby’s pop-up pantry

Join us on the third tuesday of each month

distribution hours 4:00 - 6:00 Pm

One Church - Two Locations

Hidden Valley is one church in two locations. Our video venue site in Richland Center shares the same passion and desire to positively impact their community and see people connect to God and each other.  The only difference is the teaching on Sunday morning comes through video.

We invite you to attend in either of our locations:




Richland Center

 Follow us on social media or download our app